Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Pokdex 131 Lapras

SuperFolder compleated_creases This one was hard, but I got it in the end. I can’t believe the SUMMER origami project is almost over I was folding a bird the other day and it ended up looking more like a Mandalorian, so I fiddled with the fold a little and got […]

Ive got my work cut out for me

SuperFolder General_Kirivous I’ve challenged myself to make THREE MORE POKEMON.So,I may not post for a bit.

Pokdex 73 tentacruel

SuperFolder General_Kirivous I just modified Tom’s Sy snootles

Pokdex 88 Grimer

SuperFolder General_Kirivous Look like a familiar fold to anybody?

Pokdex 85

SuperFolder General_Kirivous I cannot express how happy I was when I saw MY SF NAME on the milestone post AND MY ORIGAMI!!!!I became a sf like a week ago so I’m SOOOOOOOO HAPPY

Pokedex 62 Poliwrath

SuperFolder LogamiY0da basically my poliwhirl fold. not much to say about it.


SuperFolder Angelw114 OK 4 some reason I can’t post all my pictures. Anyway, I’ve been making a lot of origami over the past few days, and I’m also adding Origami Yoda to my many FanFiction series. It’s gonna be where Tommy and friends are in 8th grade, and this sixth […]